How Does Climbing Build Resilience in Children?

Do you want your child to gain confidence, build strength, and develop resilience this summer? Our camp is dedicated to helping young adventurers grow through a variety of outdoor activities, including climbing, canoeing, forest games, and other exciting adventures.

“We enrolled our 9-year-old granddaughter in Adventure Camp last summer. She really enjoyed learning new things, especially rock climbing. She also liked making new friends. We were happy that it kept her busy and active outdoors, and gave her new skills that she can use in the future. ” 


When your child ascends a rock climb, navigates a canoe through Miles Canyon, or builds a campfire, they are engaging in more than just fun camp activities. These experiences equip kids with skills and confidence that will serve them throughout their lives.

Equinox Adventure Camp is designed to foster teamwork, enhance problem-solving abilities, and build both mental and physical resilience, all in a safe and supportive environment.

Climbing is an excellent activity for building resilience in children because it inherently involves overcoming challenges. When children face the physical and mental demands of climbing, they learn to push through difficulties and develop a sense of perseverance. This experience helps them to handle setbacks and obstacles in other areas of their lives.

It is important for children to know that they can fail to reach their goal of climbing to the top and that’s ok.

There is always tomorrow. Our ultimate goal is not to climb to the top every time, but for children to grow and learn about their inner resources as they explore the movement.

The supportive environment of a climbing camp plays a crucial role in building confidence. The campers who have already had their turn cheer on the ones who are climbing. This both develops a sense of empathy for the non-climber and boosts morale for the climber. The social support of the campers and camp leaders helps to reinforce their determination to keep trying when it feels too hard. Many times, a camper thinks they can’t make it, and are happily surprised when they can! That said, we never push a child beyond their limit.

Finally, the physical nature of climbing helps children build strength and endurance. As they become physically stronger, they also gain a sense of accomplishment and confidence in themselves. This physical and emotional growth contributes to a more resilient mindset. When a child learns that they are capable of overcoming a challenge they didn`t think they could do, the sense of pride and accomplishment is real! It is a feeling they never forget.

The Equinox Adventure Rock Climbing Pre-flight Check
  • Harness on snug around the waist and legs? Check!
  • Helmet passes the head shaking test? Check!
  • Shoelaces are tied? Check!
  • Good attitude? Check!

Climb on!